Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Chad's gparents sent us *amazing* avocados from their farm, and I couldn't resist making Ella pose with them!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Family Visit

My grandparents, aunt and sister came to visit and it was so nice to see them! With so many visitors we got lots of great family photos!

Family!! Clockwise from top left: Chad, Ron, Liz (holding Ella), Ally, Cindy, Jim, Nell
Ella with her great grandparents

Ella and Great Aunt Suzy

Monday, June 17, 2013

Back to Work

Wow, my maternity leave went by so fast!! After 12 weeks off, I'm back to work. Before I had Ella I had planned soo many projects for my time off... and I got none of them done. Instead I spent 12 amazing weeks hanging out with my new baby girl, which was so much better!!!

I am very lucky to work for a great company and they are letting me bring Ella to work! At first, I was a bit worried about how I would get anything done with a baby in the office. And the first day was definitely a trial... Ella was off of her routine and was fussy most of the day. But on day two she settled in and everything went smoothly! Now she's back in a routine and loves going to work with me.